About Science Hub Denmark

Learn more about this initiative and our partners

World-class Danish research projects

Science Hub Denmark is a nationally coordinated initiative aimed at enhancing the global visibility of Danish research and career opportunities in natural sciences, engineering, and life sciences. With a focus on excellence, societal impact, and quality of life, the project promotes Denmark as an attractive destination for top-tier international researchers.

Endorsed by Danish universities and operating under the "A State of Denmark" brand, Science Hub Denmark leverages digital channels to connect with global research talent.

The initiative highlights key research areas—Power-to-X, Neuroscience, and Biosolutions—while fostering collaboration between Danish universities and leading institutions worldwide.

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Project partners

The project is funded by

Copenhagen Capacity_Strategy and Innovation_Nikolaj Lubanski
Nikolaj Lubanski
Chief Operating Officer Copenhagen Capacity
Copenhagen Capacity_Talent_Alexander Watts
Alexander Watts
Head of Science Hub Denmark Copenhagen Capacity